"God works on us. He blends us; He puts us in the right position. Then He shows us off to the world." Pastor Clyde
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10 NKJV
The Master Painter works diligently on each art piece. From all over, crowds overflow His art shows. Each masterpiece placed on display is worth more than money can buy. Art connoiseurs from far and wide gather and stand in awe at the depth of craftmanship engraved in each stroke of colour upon the canvases. One could stare at a single painting for hours, days, even weeks on end, caught up in the intrigue and life-like movement in the picture. Every so often the Master Painter is asked the familiar question, older than time itself: "Sir, which one of Your paintings do you cherish the most? Which one is Your best?" And each time, the Master Painter goes into His display, and comes back with a piece that is not for sale. Each time His most precious painting stuns the viewer. "This," He says, "This is My best."
The Church is God's Masterpiece! The perfection of beauty; the winner among all His display. When you became a Believer you became a part of God's most grand workmanship of all! And the amazing thing is, we were all built together from broken pieces. We were not the most lovely or valuable parts. We were used up and discarded by the world and by satan who is the prince of this world's system. BUT GOD. BUT FOR GOD'S GRACE. Our Creator knows who we are and the purpose He created us for. And when He found us and we accepted Life on His terms, He brought out the value that was always in us. He took the precious from the vile. He took what was unworthy and made it worthy through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Now we are alive in Him and He has put us on display to show His Glory to the world! WE ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP!!
Excerpt from Tuesday Mid-Week Service at Kingdom Glory Ministries, led by Pastor Clyde Williams.